Mom Life and Law with Megan Whiteside

Episode 39. Finding Financial Freedom After Biglaw with Jessica Medina

From Megan Whiteside…

“Up next in the Mom Life and Law Podcast series on money is lawyer mom of twins and Accredited Financial Counselor, Jessica Medina of Jessica Medina, LLC.

Have you had an inflection point in your life, where you knew you had to make a change? That moment came for Jessica Medina when she had to decide whether to put herself up for partner. Jessica practiced for eight years as a BigLaw litigation associate, before taking a position in the Division of Enforcement at the SEC. After practicing for nearly 14 years, she realized she needed to make a much bigger change. In 2018, she left the law to pursue a certification as an Accredited Financial Counselor.

Now, Jessica helps lawyers figure out the best strategies they can use, so that they can pursue their true passions and have a more fulfilling career. Money can feel like a huge obstacle to making a change. In this episode, Jessica talks about her journey to financial freedom after BigLaw and how she uses her experience and training to help other lawyers do the same.”

Listen to the full episode on Apple Podcasts or Spotify


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