

Love your work. Afford your life.

A 3-Day Luxury Weekend with Co-hosts

Elena Deutsch & Jessica Medina

October 26-29, 2023

Only 4 spots left!

Is money a main reason you’re still at your current job?

Do the voices in your head say no one will really pay you to do anything but “be a lawyer?”

Feel stuck in your comfort zone and held back by your fears?

And yet, you feel a nagging sense that there’s got to be more…

Everything looks so good on paper.

You set boundaries, take weekends off, yet feel like something’s off when you hear yourself say, “It’s okay.  For now.”

You’ve made work more manageable, but you know you still have to figure out what you want to do with the rest of your life.

You feel scared when you think about stepping into a career outside of the law. 

New dreams excite you, but then you think, “From a practical standpoint, how do people walk away from the money? How do you do that?”

You’ve sacrificed so much already. It’s understandable to want to stay in your comfort zone. 

* * *

Fear is normal.  

Fear that you’ll make a mistake.

Fear that your dream job will never allow you to afford your dream life.

However, it doesn’t have to be like that. We’ve worked with hundreds of risk-averse attorneys to both love their work, and afford their lives.

“Lawyers have a high tolerance for pain, but what if it’s not about how low it can go…what if it’s about how good it can possibly get.”

— A.C., Michigan

What if it weren’t only possible — but easy — for you to feel secure AND enjoy your work?

What if you could…

  • Break out of your “comfort zone” without sacrificing your safety

  • Shift your focus away from what’s “impossible,” to what IS possible

  • Explore freely and give energy to your dreams, NOT your fears




Retreat for Women Lawyers

Love your work. Afford your life.

A 3-day retreat for women lawyers who want the freedom and financial security to pursue work that fills their souls.

  • Love your Work

    Deep in your heart you believe more meaningful work is possible, but doubt you can have it. Elena Deutsch helps you clarify what you DO want, see how it is possible and take steps to achieve it.

  • Afford your Life

    Once you know where you want to be, next you need to figure out how to make the money work. Jessica Medina’s expertise helps you figure out how to get your finances in order, so you can follow your dreams and still afford the life you deserve.

  • Focus on You

    Experience 3 spacious days to connect with like-minded women lawyers, enjoy solo time to integrate and reconnect with parts of you that typically take a backseat to all your obligations. We take care of everything in an intimate and luxurious setting, so you can take care of you.

This retreat is specifically designed for women lawyers who (even if you doubt it's possible…) are ready to expand personally and create more fulfillment.

During our three days together you will:

  • Connect with like-minded women lawyers who totally “get-it.”

  • Experience relief and belonging since you don’t have to explain yourself.  

  • Have deep, honest conversations about doing something else, including the fears, identity, and struggle.

  • Map out a plan for both your money and your mindset.

  • Expand your belief of what’s possible and see a path to achieving it. 

Sound good? Read on…


Our home for the three days is at CIVANA Wellness Resort and Spa - Winner of Conde Nast and Travel and Leisure Best Spa Destinations. Located a short 40 minute ride from the Phoenix Airport, your stay includes:

  • Private, en suite accommodations

  • Outdoor access from your room, so you can open up to the calming energy of the desert mountains

  • Three onsite pools, all within reach of a snack or beverage

  • State-of-the-art spa featuring 22 treatment rooms focused on healing through water

  • Delicious food made with seasonal culinary delights

This isn’t a stuffy legal conference…and it’s so much more than a girls’ weekend:

CONNECT: Connect with women who know what it means to be a lawyer and live that lawyer life. You’re all familiar with the pressures and expectations that come with that identity, and you support each other to expand and seek something more.

REST: You’ve given yourself the precious gift of time to rest and recover. Your life is a series of constant demands. Take the time and space to truly rest your body, mind, and spirit in an environment that asks nothing from you.

REFLECT: Our workshops are guided spaces for your growth and transformation. You also have time for solo reflection to absorb, process, and integrate your juicy breakthroughs.  

Here’s what you can expect…



  • Check into your own private, en-suite room with beautiful outdoor space. Open your terrace doors and take a deep breath.  You’ve arrived! 

  • After settling in, you explore the grounds or go for a soak in one of the three pools.

  • Freshen up and meet the group for our first meal together followed by our kickoff workshop.

  • End the day around the fire pit or enjoy the quiet of your gorgeous room as you slide into cool sheets for a restful night’s sleep.

  • As you drift off, you’re giddy that you gave yourself this treat and equally excited and a little nervous about the days ahead!


Friday & Saturday

In the mornings… we’ll have our workshop sessions.  

  • Deepen your understanding of how to clarify and move forward on your ideal professional and financial path in sessions led by Elena and Jessica.

  • Receive reassurance, love and support from your fellow retreat participants and co-hosts.

  • Clear your head as you step into the desert and disconnect from the temptation to be tied to the phone or check in somewhere else.

After lunch together you’ll have “time off” to…

  • Connect with the other women in the group over meals, hanging out, taking walks or a hike.

  • Enjoy a rejuvenating spa treatment (your first one is included!), soak in one of the pool experiences, savor a delicious snack and the abundant nature all around you.

  • Revel in sanctioned solo time to reflect and rejuvenate. Step away from the group to replenish your energy. 

Evening activities will deepen your experience and connection with yourself and each other.



  • Enjoy one last group brunch before our completion ceremony that solidifies your commitment to your new chosen path.

  • Pack your bags knowing you return home with the tools you need to pursue your new career and financial freedom.

  • Eagerly anticipate the post-retreat integration call where you’ll see everyone again, report on your progress and receive the support of this amazing community! 

Why a retreat?

In this once in a lifetime experience, we are so excited to join forces for an in-person, get-away-from-the-demands-of-life, gorgeous retreat so you can focus on YOU.

The world has opened up again. 

A retreat offers a focused experience of being together in person, in your body with others to experience shifts and feel the UMPH necessary to propel big moves. 

The energy of an in-person retreat is a completely different experience than a Zoom call.  We love our Zoom calls, but there’s nothing like the transformational potential of getting away from the constant pull of your life.

A retreat is an intimate experience.  

Space is limited to 10 women.  

Creating an environment, so you can open up, be vulnerable, and share the realness of what you're dealing with — this is of paramount importance and our strongest intention.  

It's a chance to drop the mask and let us see and love all of you.  

Plus… (in general) how often do women allow themselves time away to deeply take care of themselves?    

This is a chance for you to allow yourself the freedom to let us take care of you.  

We’re here for it and for you.

If you want to be a little braver, connect, have breakthroughs and FUN (plus some much needed rest)...

This is for you!  Read on…

Photos from WILL Retreat at Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health, Lenox, Mass.,  May 2019.  

Photo credit: Jenni Ingram.

All the details…

Location: CIVANA Wellness Resort and Spa - Winner of Conde Nast and Travel and Leisure Best Spa Destinations.  It’s a quick 40 minute ride from the Phoenix Airport in lovely Arizona.

Start time: Check-In is after 4 pm PT on October 26, 2023. Arrive early and have full access to the grounds. Your bags will be brought to your room when it’s ready. Put on your suit, go for a dip at the aquatic center or drop your bags and explore the property. We gather for our first meal in our private dining room at 6:00 pm followed by our first group event at 7:30 pm.

End time: Check out is at 11:00 am on Sunday, October 29th, after brunch and our morning completion ceremony. Please plan to stay through this important time.

Closest Airport: Phoenix - which has many flight options, and hop a Lyft or Uber to CIVANA (travel not included)


Accommodations: Enjoy your own private, en-suite room with outdoor space. The property has 144 guest rooms so it’s spacious but not gigantic.

Meals: Breakfast, lunch, and dinner are included Friday & Saturday (the full workshop days) and we’ll share our own semi-private dining room. Your retreat also includes a welcome dinner Thursday night and a farewell brunch Sunday morning. You’ll let us know your food preferences and allergies ahead of time so you can comfortably enjoy our meals together!

Workshops: Elena & Jessica will be leading sessions throughout the weekend, from Thursday night through Sunday morning. A detailed agenda will be sent closer to the event.  Plan to arrive before 6:00 pm on Thursday for dinner and our opening event.  Please make your travel arrangements for after 1:00 pm Sunday afternoon following our brunch and completion ceremony.

But wait, there’s more…

  • The retreat begins before we meet! We will hold three monthly calls in August, September and October so you get to connect with each other BEFORE the retreat. This lays the groundwork for deeper connections and greater safety when we’re together in person.

  • Special Boundaries Setting Session!  We’ll walk you through a framework so you can be carefree and focused SOLELY on you and your needs during the retreat.

  • Pre-retreat reading (Yes, optional pre-work for the lawyers who love to learn!) will make sure everyone is coming in with a shared language, foundation and ready to delve into this work both individually and together.

  • Post-retreat integration session - assist with your re-entry and boots on the ground implementation for your action plan

But wait… there’s more…

  • Since we don’t want you to decide whether or not to get a spa treatment or healing arts session, one is included!  The only hard decision will be what to choose!

Additional surprises and delights…

  • You have to be one of the 10 women to join us to find out what these will be!

Investment: $7997

  • Payment plans available, contact Jessica at for details ($2997 deposit to reserve your spot)

Gift yourself the chance to

love your work and afford your life.


Courtney, S.F.

Being in person with people who have some of the same thoughts as me was one of the best things about the retreat.  Especially being with women lawyers ranging from their 20s to 60s.  I gained a lot of wisdom from seeing other people’s journeys.” 


We lived for three days inside a bubble of awe and inspiration, laughter and tears - we stretched each other.

Who is this for?

This retreat is ideal for you if…

You hear yourself say things like: “It’s okay. For now.”

Or… “I wouldn’t want to spend the rest of my life there.”

On paper, the pros outweigh the cons - and the money is definitely one of the pros!

It’s better than before or manageable now that you’ve done some personal development work, either with a coach or on your own.

You’re setting boundaries, but it takes a lot of energy and mindset work to maintain those boundaries.

If this describes you and you know… “Life’s too short to spend my time doing work that’s ‘Okay’ or ‘Isn’t all bad,’” you’re an excellent candidate for the retreat.

Who is this not for?

This retreat is NOT for women lawyers if…

You feel you’re struggling to get through each day.

You’re running on fumes.

You're filled with anxiety and even see some performance issues.

You’re considering taking medical leave to take care of yourself.

You’re just surviving…barely.

If this describes you then the Breakthrough Retreat may NOT be the best way to begin your journey to something more manageable.

Meet your co-hosts

When thinking about making major career changes Jessica and Elena are the perfect pair. Separately, they have their own expertise in career coaching and financial counseling, but together they spell out a life that leads to a more fulfilled, joyful you.

Jessica Medina

Jessica Medina is a former lawyer turned Accredited Financial Counselor on a mission to help attorneys figure out their finances so they can pursue their true passions, no matter the salary.

  • Jessica graduated from Columbia Law School in 2004 as a single mom of twins with over $200,000 in student loans and went straight to work at a Biglaw firm. After eight years she switched roles and became Senior Counsel at the Division of Enforcement at the United States Securities and Exchange Commission. She left the government to work in an area of the financial industry outside of the securities world and now teaches other lawyers how to use their money to finance their dream lives.

    Jessica has helped dozens of lawyers switch jobs, change career tracks, and leave the law entirely by crafting personalized financial strategies for each person’s own journey. Her deep understanding of both the lawyer life and the particular money issues lawyers face create a powerful combination that resonates deeply with her attorney clients.

    She’s also a die-hard retreat-lover. She’s been to several retreats focused on growing herself as an entrepreneur (as a participant) and now teaches her specialized approach to personal finances as a retreat facilitator. She most recently spoke at a retreat for women lawyers in May 2023 and is eager to co-host the Breakthrough Retreat For Women Lawyers with Elena this October.

    Jessica is a frequent speaker at state and voluntary bar associations and other legal organizations providing personal finance programming for their members. She also offers live workshops for firms (especially if they’re running a retreat!) and virtual trainings.

    As a new empty nester, Jessica and her husband spent several months traveling the US in an RV – specifically to follow his beloved Atlanta Falcons around the country for their football season – and are currently building their future vineyard and forever home in the Great Smoky Mountains in North Carolina. She enjoys visiting new vineyards, talking about financial independence and early retirement, and will never pass up an invitation to karaoke.

Elena Deutsch

Elena Deutsch helps women lawyers ditch soul-sucking jobs and finally have a career they love (either in the law or something entirely different!)

  • When working as a coach for some of the world’s biggest firms, she saw women lawyers navigate the unsustainable pressure of the billable hour, family obligations, being under-appreciated, gaslit and passed over. This did not sit well in her deeply feminist bones. She witnessed how these smart, ambitious women felt unfulfilled and disappointed because they knew they were meant for more.

    In the summer of 2016, the idea for WILL shook her out of bed while on vacation in Cape Cod. Ever since, she’s devoted to helping women lawyers discover work that’s aligned and has them waking up with a smile on their face, forgoing the snooze button and raring to go!

    The women she serves in WILL come from all walks of legal life (not just big law) and either stay in their firms or law (more happily and with new mindset/boundaries) or move into something new that’s uniquely suited for them.

    Not a lawyer herself, her lawyer-who-got-disbarred-father’s example caused her to forgo that path and veer into public health, leadership training and coaching. After becoming a coach she attracted lawyers who wanted greater meaning, fulfillment and alignment.

    She leads workshops for Bar Associations across the country, has written an AMA: Ask Me Anything Career Column in Above the Law, and been featured in legal press and The Wall Street Journal.

    Elena lives in Washington Heights, NYC (where she regularly gives a knowing nod to neighbor Lin Manuel Miranda) and enjoys morning yoga and dancing to Lizzo.

    On a more personal note… Why I want to do this retreat:

    In 2019 I ran a retreat at Kripalu in the Berkshires of Western Massachusetts, with six participants. The experience was incredible. It felt like a golden bubble of love, and reflecting back on it, I still get this warm hug of a feeling. It had a huge lasting impact on everyone who participated. Each year, at the anniversary of the retreat, we take a moment to reflect back with love and wonder.

    I had planned another retreat for May 2020, but obviously the pandemic derailed that.I’ve been wanting to do another, but did not have the personal bandwidth to make it happen.

    When Jessica proposed we run one together, I was intrigued. After initial conversations about where we see our clients struggle, and sharing our vision for the experience we’d love to create for them, I was a heartfelt, “YES!”

    The reason this feels SO important is because WILL members often make great progress, but then hit a wall. They make staying in their firms far more tolerable. They almost get dangerously comfortable. Part of this is because the money is hard to give up.

    As one WILL member said, “No one would ever put up with this except for the money.”

    This retreat is an opportunity to untangle the money and mindset knots that hold women lawyers back from fulfilling their deepest desires. That’s what I’m here to help you do.


  • Accommodations at CIVANA (private, en suite room with outdoor space); all group meals during the retreat (Thursday night - Sunday morning); workshops led by Elena & Jessica; one spa treatment; use of CIVANA facilites including pools, spa, water treatment facilities, and included classes; pre-retreat calls and post-integration call are all included.

    Travel to/from CIVANA including flight & transfers to the resort are not included. Additional purchases at the resort (e.g., gift shop purchases, meals & beverages outside of the group dining, and spa treatments and/or paid resort classes beyond the first one) are not included.

  • We are limiting this retreat experience to 10 lucky women lawyers.

  • The retreat officially starts on Thursday, October 26 at 6:00PM with our welcome dinner. Please plan to arrive at CIVANA by 4:30PM to give yourself time to settle in before our group dinner.

  • Yes! CIVANA is offering our discounted group room rate for up to three days prior and three days following the retreat so come early and relax or stay later to reflect on your breakthroughs.

  • Our goal is for every attendee to feel safe so we ask all attendees to be considerate of other guests and to not attend if you have been exposed to Covid (and tested positive) or are experiencing symptoms. We strongly suggest securing travel insurance, including Covid coverage, in case you need to cancel last minute.

  • Due to the nature of this event and because we have obligations to pay the resort to secure your room, there are no refunds on all purchases. You may be able to make a loss claim against your recommended travel insurance should you need to cancel. All sales are final.

  • We want you to feel really good about your decision to join us, so if you have any lingering questions, feel free to set up a call with Elena using this link:

If you want to wake up every morning giddy to get to work.

Love what you’re doing.

Feel great about your money.  

This is for you!

Courtney, S.F.

Working with Elena has been one of the best decisions I have made. I feel empowered to invest in myself as I continue towards a more fulfilling career and life.”

M.T., Texas

“Jessica is a trustworthy financial coach who really cares about her clients and is able to talk about money in a practical and down-to-earth way...It means a lot to me that she completely understands the challenges of being a lawyer. She is at the top of her game and is well worth the investment.

L.W., Maine

“The retreat was a good balance of challenging work and time to rest and restore. I felt welcomed, supported and was able to open up and dig into the work because of that. I absolutely recommend a retreat to other women lawyers.”

L.R., Georgia

“Jessica sets a clear path forward…She doesn't just deal with the numbers, she helps the people behind the numbers to achieve their goals in a way that is supportive of those individuals both emotionally and financially. If you are struggling to find a path forward, Jessica is a fantastic advocate for you.”