Break free from Biglaw by:
Making the most of your salary
Creating a plan for student loan debt
Making sure your money lasts a lifetime
You never expected to be in Biglaw as long as you have been. You graduated law school hoping for a career in public service or the non-profit sector, but your student loans and other responsibilities make that kind of life seem out of reach.
You’re hitting your billable hours targets, maybe even qualifying for those nice end of year bonuses, but you have no time for anything else. Your family, friends, and other interests have not seen you for years and you miss them.
You dreamed of Biglaw life and set your career in motion to make partner. But after a few years, you notice that you don’t really enjoy the work, the clients, or the people who would be your future “partners” and you’re looking for something more.
Congratulations! You’re right where you want to be. (You’re also a unicorn and I’m not sure you actually exist.)
“Non-judgmental, compassionate, and pragmatic financial advice from somebody who understands the financial situations of attorneys.” R.S.
Are you a frustrated Biglaw associate who’s underwhelmed by your current legal career? Most associates don’t even want to make partner, but the daily grind and all-consuming billable hours make thinking Beyond Biglaw just another chore you have no time to tackle. You’re not alone, but to get where you need to be, you’ll have to make a change. I graduated from Columbia Law School a single mom of twins with hundreds of thousands of dollars of student loan debt, and I couldn’t even imagine surviving anywhere other than my large DC firm. But I just needed someone to show me the path and help me make a plan.
I’m now an Accredited Financial Counselor® who crafts financial strategies for lawyers looking to free themselves from the Biglaw prison they’ve trapped themselves in. I teach you how to make the most of your money so you can do more of what you love, whether as a new career or just more time to serve out your true purpose. As a result of working with me, lawyers are able to pursue their true passions, no matter the salary.
I recall so vividly the day I knew Biglaw was no longer for me. I had spent months of late nights and weekends preparing for a critical motion in my high stakes class action litigation — deposing experts, gathering corporate documents, canvassing international patents — and missing out on time with my twin kindergarteners. And then it happened: success! Our motion was granted! But the victory was not sweet. All I could think about was the time I had lost fighting for something I did not even care that much about. That’s when I knew I was done.
But being a single mom of twins makes leaving a lucrative DC job difficult. I felt a responsibility to provide secure income for my family that would cover not only our needs but also my hundreds of thousands of dollars of student loan debt. I was a woman, a Latina, and I was doing well in my firm and felt obligated to blaze a path for other associates like me coming up behind. And I was scared to lose the prestige that comes along with Biglaw life.
It took me another 10 years struggling with all those fears and insecurities before I finally left the law to pursue my true passion, financial counseling. It would have been so much easier to leave Biglaw if someone had shown me the path that would provide me the financial freedom to pursue more fulfilling work, a life on my terms.
It all begins with putting in place the systems and strategies that will optimize your time in Biglaw while preparing your personal finances for the next move. We look at cash flow, student loan and other debt, and long term savings goals to create a plan that will work now and into the future. And you get to make those decisions, and finally take action, with an expert guiding you along the way.
Part of thinking Beyond Biglaw is recognizing the way you’re currently living is not the lifestyle you dreamed of when you were in law school (or ever!). Law doesn’t need to be a string of endless all-nighters and unmanageable expectations and the lifestyle choices we make often limit our ability to see and take advantage of real opportunities. We’ll take a realistic look at how you’d like your future life to be, and make plans to make sure your money lasts a lifetime.
For many lawyers, it’s the analysis paralysis that traps us into thinking we cannot move forward unless we have it all figured out already. But building a solid financial foundation and planning for a different future is only worthwhile if you actually take action and make the changes. Your Biglaw years can be a burden or an opportunity — I help you take full advantage of this time in your life so you can realize your dreams with peace of mind.
Jessica lays out very clear options along a spectrum from making an immediate and drastic career change to taking a longer term approach, along with a timeline for those options. Those options included things I had not and would not have thought of… I'm in a different space than a Biglaw associate--but Jessica's services would have been invaluable to me back then. They were invaluable now as a Biglaw partner. I appreciate how she was able to tailor her approach to where I am in life…I feel more confident that I have a wide range of options to make changes in my career if I want to.
I have no shortage of people contacting me on LinkedIn and via unsolicited emails offering their financial services. The "partner" title attracts that. I've talked to many of them over the years and NONE of them are offering the kind of practical education about how to take control of your finances that Jessica is. I had given up on the idea that someone like her exists. And then, there she was! For the first time, I feel like I have the tools to keep better track of where I am spending my money and how to allocate my money in a way that aligns with my goals and values.
As featured in…
Ready yet?
Schedule a free, no hassle initial consultation to see what might happen if you start using your Biglaw opportunity to set the foundation to pursue your true passions. Whether we decide to work together or not, you’ll walk away with the NEXT best step to get you ready to go Beyond Biglaw.
What to expect?
I’m an Accredited Financial Counselor® who specializes in creating financial strategies for lawyers looking to make a change. I can do this because I graduated from law school as a single mom of twins with $200,000 of student loans, took a stroll through Biglaw and the federal government, and left the law entirely with some serious financial planning. And now I help lawyers finance their dream lives, too.
We’ll have a real conversation digging into your current situation, what life would look like beyond your law firm job, and how you can make it all happen on your timeline. We’ll figure out whether we’re a good fit for each other or whether other financial services would be a better first step.
No pressure, we should both be excited to work together!
What does an Accredited Financial Counselor do, exactly?
We work with people, not just money.
I’m certified as an Accredited Financial Counselor through the Association of Financial Counseling & Planning Education (AFCPE) so I’m trained both in counseling techniques and personal finance strategies. I don’t just figure out your numbers, I figure out the right numbers that will work for your personality and your lifestyle.
I help people with their spending plans, paying down debt, saving strategies, and thinking through career transitions and other big financial moves like early retirement. And I help them stick to those plans.
I do not, however, give investment or tax planning advice (that’s other licensed professionals) and I don’t sell any financial products so you always get unbiased analysis.
We basically work on all the good money habits that lead to building wealth, however you define it.
Should I just work with a financial advisor?
Probably not.
Financial advisors take many forms: investment advisor, financial planner, stock broker, wealth manager, and others. They work with investments and building net worth through financial products.
Some of these professionals make money by selling certain products, others make a percentage of the money they manage for you, and others may charge a flat fee. Few are interested in spending time building out your budget, helping you find ways to pay down debt or save more, and even less are willing to check up on you to make sure you’re implementing the strategies discussed.
One of the greatest services I offer is accountability.
I should be able to do this on my own, right?
Maybe — but have you yet?
My clients are brilliant, capable, accomplished professionals. But personal finance doesn’t get them up in the morning and they already have enough on their plates. That’s where I come in so my clients can make real progress in a fraction of the time.
I help you sift through all the noise so we can focus just on the financial information and strategies that are important for your personal situation. Then we work through the best ways to implement those strategies based on your personality and style. Oh, and I check up on you to make sure it actually gets done this time!
My clients are smart enough to know that even if they could do it themselves, they don’t have to.